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Friday, 1 August 2008

1st Class on the TITANIC

by: James Sorrell
***365 of the planet's richest people, (including Bill Gates), have as much$$$ as 2.6 BILLION of the poorest [which is totally obscene!!!]. That isonly 43 more people than were in 1st Class on the TITANIC! [There were 322of them] In order for these greedy rich to be so wealthy, they have to keepbillions poor, many homeless! In this ordered Universe, there are specificblessings distributed by the 'Maker of All Things' to each of us; but theobscene rich have played the game of MONOPOLY for real and stolen away theopportunities of billions of people! They were initially given wealth as ashared trust, to see that all have some share in humanity {"Love yourneighbor as yourself" means that you see to it that your neighbor has itjust as good as you do; all 6 billion of us on this "blue marble" areneighbors & at least 33rd cousins--->Genesis 6:9 We ALL come from Noah's 3sons!}.....We should ALL have a share in humanity, but the rich hoardinstead of sharing, which was part of their deal that they ignore. In theUSA, everyone (300 million) could be a millionaire if the rich were JUSTmillionaires (1 million $$ each). 'No poor, no homeless, nodis-enfranchised' is the possibility when opportunities are equal for all;the economy would be 90% better because everyone is a participating member,and there would be no theft [99% gone]! It is time to start the MONOPOLYgame all over again!!! In the opening part of the original film, "Planet ofthe Apes", actor Charlton Heston states the reason why he left modern Earthin a spaceship, never to return..."Because brother goes to war with brother,and men do nothing while their neighbor's children starve". We didn't comefrom animals, but began our existence as human; should we now act like theinstinctual animals that live by "the survival of the fittest", where thereis no love? Love is only something you can spend on God and cannot spend it on yourself, or anything lower....that is notlove; that is "self"! SEE--->"LOVE is the Real Thing" on or "Poverty is the worst form of violence." Mahatma Gandhi [The father of India'sfreedom].....The 1st Class rich on the TITANIC learned the lesson ofequality too late: when the ship went down, they all went down together, nomatter where you were on the boat! Will the rich learn now, before it is toolate....when the poor of the planet sink the ship by burning the lovelessworld down, each city, in one night....the fuse lit and the chaos spread byinstant planet-wide communication of the beginning event??----------[From: "The Life of Emile Zola".........."You know that people don't want to see the starved face of truth; they would much prefer perfumed lies".]----------The conscience of man must have another moment in time; in OUR time!---by Jim Sorrell